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What is CBSE Patrachar


CBSE Patrachar

CBSE Patrachar was created by the Central Board of Secondary Education to provide education for students who, for various reasons, could not attend traditional schooling. The alternative platform allows candidates to finish their 12th-grade education. CBSE Patrachar is a great option for anyone who has a busy schedule, faces geographical restrictions, or wants a flexible way to learn.

Importance CBSE Patrachar

Its ability to meet the varied educational needs of its students is what makes CBSE Patrachar so important. It is a lifeline to those who cannot adhere to the traditional schooling system. CBSE Patrachar makes education accessible for everyone by offering flexible learning, personalized instruction, and a structured program. It represents inclusion and allows students to conquer obstacles and attain academic success.

Eligibility Criteria for CBSE Patrachar Admission

Certain eligibility criteria are required to enroll in CBSE Patrachar. Students who have completed one year of regular schooling in a recognized institution are generally eligible. Also, students who have never attended a regular school will be welcomed. Admission is simple, allowing students of all backgrounds to pursue their education in an environment that offers flexibility and support.

How can we assist you in completing your 10th, and 12th Classes?

We are committed to helping you succeed in your academic career with CBSE Patrachar. We are available to help you with subject selection, preparation for exams, and study materials. Our experienced educators and tutors are dedicated to providing you with all the resources, support, and assistance necessary to complete your CBSE Patrachar 10th or 12th grades.

 Benefits of Studying at a CBSE Patrachar Vidyalaya 

  1. Flexible Learning Environment:  CBSE Patrachar Vidyalayas offers a flexible program, which allows students to adjust their study time to fit in with other commitments.
  2. High-Quality CBSE Curriculum: The curriculum is aligned with CBSE standards to ensure that students are receiving a comprehensive education in line with national educational standards.
  3. Individualized Learning Experience: CBSE Patrachar Vidyalayas offers an environment that is conducive to individual learning. Students can receive personalized support and attention from the faculty with experience.
  4. Self-Paced Education: The curriculum can be progressed at the pace of the student. This self-paced method promotes a better understanding of the subject matter and allows students to grasp concepts more thoroughly.
  5. Supportive Learning Environment: CBSE Patrachar Vidyalayas promotes a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming learning environment. The focus is on academic excellence holistic development and nurturing of talents and skills.
  6. Faculty with Experience and Dedication: Staff at CBSE Patrachar Vidyalayas are experienced and committed to providing high-quality education. They are vital in helping students succeed and guide them through their academic journey.
  7. Opportunities for Academic excellence: CBSE Patrachar Vidyalayas provides a platform for academic excellence and encourages
  8. students to strive for their best. A structured curriculum and a supportive environment empower learners to reach their full potential.
  9. Recognition & Acceptance: The CBSE Patrachar Vidyalayas certificates are widely accepted and recognized, and open doors for various educational and career options.

Eligibility criteria for CBSE Patrachar admission 10th class

  1. If you have passed 8th class with a gap of one year (for 10th class),
  2. Students who have failed or passed 9th class (for 10th class)
  3. School Dropout students
  4. Working People

The eligibility criteria for CBSE Patrachar admission 12th class

  1. If you have passed 10th class with a gap of one year (for 12th class),
  2. Students who failed or passed 11th class (for 12th class)
  3. Working People

      4 . If you have passed 10th class with a gap of one year (for 12th class),

      5. 11th Failed/Passed students (for 12th class)

Documents needed for CBSE Patrachar admission

 1. Valid Aadhar Card for Students (in Delhi).

 2. Pan Card (if Aadhar Card is missing)

3. Six passport-size photos in color

 4. Previous Year Mark Sheet

 5. School Leaver Certificate

 6. Date of Birth Certificate

Important documents required for CBSE Patrachar Online Admission in Class 12th

(A) Students (Female & Male) who passed or failed class XI (Science/Commerce/Arts) from a recognized Board/University based on the original SLC countersigned by an Education Officer/Competent Authority after passing class X.


Students (male & female) who have passed the class X examination from a recognized Board with at least a one-year gap can be directly admitted to class XII based on their original SLC countersigned by an Education Officer/Competent Authority.

(B) Students wishing to be admitted to class XII based on a copy of the SLC countersigned by an Education Officer/Competent Authority must submit AFFIDAVIT, in the prescribed form and enclosed with the prospectus.

Proof of Residence for Admission in CBSE PATRACHAR

The candidate can submit a self-attested copy of one or more of the following documents as proof of residence:

a) A ration card with the candidate's name in legible type.

b) The voter I-Card must show the candidate's name in legible format. Minors can also use the Voter ID card of their parents.

c) Student Passport

d) Electricity Bill in Respect of Mother/Father Name

e) MTNL Landline Phone concerning Mother/Father Name

f) Rent agreement signed in the name/in the candidate's parents/as a tenant.

g) Photocopy self-attested Delhi Transport Authority Driver's License issued in the name and on behalf of the candidate.

h) Affidavit of residence proof in Delhi, issued by SDM/lst class Magistrate.

i) Aadhar Card Photostatue Copy Self-Attested




Admission Notice
  • Guidelines to HoS for Conducting PCP-I & PCP-II Classes for the Directly Admitted Students of Patrachar Vidyalaya Class IX to XII (2021-22)Read More…
  • Guidelines to HoS for Conducting PCP-I & PCP-II Classes for the Directly Admitted Students of Patrachar Vidyalaya Class IX to XII (2021-22)Read More…
  • Guidelines to HoS for Conducting PCP-I & PCP-II Classes for the Directly Admitted Students of Patrachar Vidyalaya Class IX to XII (2021-22)Read More…
  • Guidelines to HoS for Conducting PCP-I & PCP-II Classes for the Directly Admitted Students of Patrachar Vidyalaya Class IX to XII (2021-22)Read More…
  • Guidelines to HoS for Conducting PCP-I & PCP-II Classes for the Directly Admitted Students of Patrachar Vidyalaya Class IX to XII (2021-22)Read More…


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